Looking for a Whiter, Brighter Smile? Let Your Dentist Help

May 25, 2021

If you have been noticing that your smile has lost some of its sparkle, or that your teeth have yellowed, you are not alone. Ask people what they would like to change about their smile, and they are most likely to say whiter teeth. In fact, nearly nine out of ten patients requested tooth whitening from their orthodontists.

At the offices of Brightway Dental, PC, our dentists know that sometimes brushing and flossing every day is not always enough to maintain the brightness we desire. There are a number of reasons for this, including drinks like coffee, tea and red wine that stain the outer shell of our teeth called the enamel; tar and nicotine from tobacco products that cause yellowing; naturally occurring wear to the enamel as we age; an injury to the mouth; and tooth darkening effects triggered by a variety of medications.

If you are thinking about teeth whitening, it is important to understand the facts and the options before making your decision. Whitening done by our dentists in the comfort of our office through a procedure called chair-side bleaching usually requires only one office visit. If you would prefer an at-home option, our dentists also can equip you with a custom-made whitening process and guide you through its usage. There are over-the-counter whitening systems and stain removing toothpastes, but be aware that all products do not work on all types of discolorations, and overuse can cause sensitivity or damage to the tooth enamel and gums. That’s why it is important to discuss the matter with your dentist before getting started. 

At the offices of Brightway Dental, PC, we know how important your smile is when it comes to your self-confidence and well-being. Come in and talk to our friendly staff about how we can restore the sparkle that you’ve been longing for.

About Us

Our goal is healthy smiles for all ages, achieved through prevention, comprehensive care, and advanced technology. Brightway Dental: Your Yorktown Heights family dentist.
